I’m Bryce Williams, a native Floridian (Miami) now transplant Seattleite. I’m a PT turned content writer and copywriter. and I still work PRN in home health in the Seattle-Tacoma area.
When I started writing as a side hustle I focused primarily on writing for business to business healthcare technology and SaaS companies. This year I am pivoting my business to focus on helping healthcare entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses so they can expand their reach, impact , and revenue.
I am passionate about the notion of helping healthcare entrepreneurs on their journey to write their own ticket and have an impact on people whose needs haven’t been met by the traditional corporate sick care system.
But more than that I’m most passionate about building a life for myself and for my family such that my wife no longer has to go back to the job that she despises if she so chooses, and so that my son can grow up spending more time with his parents who otherwise wouldn’t be able to with us both having to work to keep a roof over our heads and bills paid.
I want to build a life that allows him to grow up seeing what’s possible, and understanding he doesn’t have to settle for anything in life.