Community Life
Community life is like a bonfire, made up of many logs that illuminate and give warmth to those who need it, but the moment a log is taken out of the bonfire, it slowly goes out until it loses its light, but if we put it back in the bonfire it lights up again. That is how we are, if we move away from the community, our light goes out and we become weak in faith and we can be easy prey fir the enemy who only seeks our death through sin.
I invite you to be a light in the lives on those Who have abandoned the community. Let us begin with our domestic church, our home, inviting them to the Holy Eucharist, Adoration Blessed Sacrament, confession and all the activities planned in our church, so that we can make a bonfire so big that it illuminates the lives of others.
Let us pay for those who have left the community and let us be faithful to the name of Christians.
María Useda Useda
Community Life
Saints John and James Parish
Roman Catholic Community of Faith - Growing in Faith, Living by Grace.
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