There is a crisis of confidence in the world today, while this is the best time to be alive in all of human history; we should be celebrating and going to greater heights, yet we are tearing ourselves apart...
The knowledge is out there, meritocracy, equal opportunity in knowledge, then the application is up to you...
We need to be working to the next level of human progress and the only way for that is for every individual to take control of their mind, body and sustainably produce more and share this knowledge with others so they too can rise.
Capitalism is not perfect, there are many elements in it that need improvement,
The best way is meeting customer's needs to build businesses, that funds a civil society and enables a true meritocracy, while still helping the people who genuinely need it. This is how we make the world a better place, this is how we progress, this is how you contribute.
The success of anything in life in life is a process. Anything can be reduced to a framework that anyone else can apply. Too many people try to get rewarded by taking simple things and making them complex, I believe progress comes from the opposite direction and my superpower is taking complex things and making them simple. Everything can be reduced to a framework, and I am the Framework guy.
So, revel in the accountability and agency of your own life and own results. Set your flag for where you want to go and get the framework to get you there. Then share widely and positively - whatever that means to you.
If you believe in any of the above, then I encourage you to join the Marketing Growth Nation!
I'm setting a mission for people who join the Marketing Growth Nation to achieve profit growth collectively of $100mln at Gross Margin level from using my teachings, tools and techniques in their businesses, that they aim to spend or re-invest wisely for the benefit of civil society - "A rising tide lifts all boats."
So, if growth = frameworks, what is my contribution? It's Marketing frameworks. How to grow businesses based around customer's needs.
So, join the journey, report your successes in the comments below, let's all celebrate together and let's make the world a better place! 馃槑