Don't Forget Why you Chose Voiceover in the first place!
Sometimes it’s really fun to just CREATE and SHARE!
I hope you take the time to watch the 2 downloads I've attached and I hope they inspire you all over again to use your voice for the betterment of humanity in whatever way you feel called to do so!
Here is a 6 min excerpt from a 45 minute video I did back in 2021. I did the audio narration and then learned how to use Premiere Pro doing this video. It took me 2.5 months for the whole thing
I had an unexpected gift from doing this – I shared my voice to help make the world a better place and in doing so, it really got me excited about voiceover and creating all over again. The time flew by when creating this video.
Sometimes we can get lost in trying to “make money” to survive and lose sight of why we chose to get into voiceover in the first place – which for many is to use our voice to help make our world a better place.
It was such a wonderful win-win experience for me creating this – I learned a lot, I got to share my gifts with the world and I had a lot of fun doing it!
In case anyone is interested, here’s what I used to create this awesome video:
Audio: Audacity and Adobe Audition with Shure SM58 mic and Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface;
Video Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro
Images: All free on
Music: All free music from Youtube Music Library
Credits and Motion Graphics/Animation: free MOGRTs (motion graphics templates) files from RoyFx
I hope you watch this video and are inspired and re-ignited about how fun it is to create using your voice and share it with the world!
P.S. The caption file I included in this post (the 2nd file) has what I found to be a very motivational sharing. I am not religious (I am more metaphysical in my world view) but still I hope you find the short clip as encouraging as I did. No matter what you are experiencing in life right now, God has got your back!
Love, peace and blessings to all!
LaTonya Harrison
Don't Forget Why you Chose Voiceover in the first place!
Steps To Voice Over Success
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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