Here's something some of you may already know. I'm looking to do a video podcast. Mainly about people in the group. I'm looking to prerecord us talking to each other talking about what you were doing before working in voice over. What are you working on know. How and were can people find you if they would like you to work on a prefect they have. Those are the main three things I would like to get out there. Who you are. What you can do. (here you might want to have a clip of you're latest project. Earl pointed out where you shouldn't look for people betting your door down in a week. But long term you might get some one calling you. This is a marathon and this will be playing every time all the time on the net. And we want to let them see us over and over again. That's phase one, Phase two is to make them into shorts. Shorts get plaid more then whole podcast so they get seen more often. And again the more often we are seen the more often we get talked about. If you saw the AmA from 4/08/23. I pointed out a man named Mattress Max. He owns a store in Houston called Gallery furniture. He's also one of the richest men in Texas. Why was I talking about him? Well you have to looking a the AmA to see.
But I also heard him speak to HISD Teachers. Were He told his story ( That's for later). But in it he talk about a man in his town who everyone called the tire man, because were ever he went he Wore a tire around him. And ever one laughed at him. But when the needed a tire... Who do you think they thought of. And where do you think they all got their tires from. That's right, the tire man. And Mattress took that Idea and were ever he goes you see Gallery Furniture, on his Benz his 100plus K cigar speed boat. He's got kidd's that are more then likely out of collage. And where do you think they went? Any where they wanted to, because money was no object.
I've never seen him in anything but a Gallery Furniture T shirt. And for the thirty years I lived in Houston other Furniture's popped up trying the same thing. I only know of one who made it. So guess what my plan is copy Earl and get us out there before some else does.
oh yes you get a copy of you interview to post as you please.
Me I see it as win, win ,win.
Now if you have some other ideas that might work. Please fell free to let me know. So I can pawn them off as my own. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ Jest kidding ๐Ÿคฃ. Start date is Right after I do four interviews but no latter the May 1st. And one started I'm thinking one a week then twice after the first four. And like the group it will work with your help. OOP's forgot talk about who going to be interviewed. Anyone who want's Newbies were my first choice. But after talking to (chat) some of you. I expanded that thinking out, All I can say is WoW! some of you have a rich back ground. But like I said I expanded that thinking mainly because we can all learn from each other no matter what you level. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Bill Freeman Jr.
Steps To Voice Over Success
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