WELCOME! To Steps To Voice Over Success
This community is for the brand new voice over artist looking to grow. It's a FREE community that actually gives you real access to a professional voice over artist and coach.
I'm always thinking how I can do better for you. My community! How can I actually help more and give more? This is why here you will have direct access to me, my free courses, my calendar, weekly FREE live zoom coaching sessions, and more!
If you ever felt like you just couldn't get to me or ask me a question or whatever. This FREE voice-over community will allow me to work much closer with new VO's and spend the time I need with people that are just starting this journey.
πŸ”΅ Learn the exact path to get started
πŸ”΅ Learn what specific mic and setup you need
πŸ”΅ Learn how to use your recording software
πŸ”΅ Learn how to process your audio
πŸ”΅ Learn how to do great voice over
Please introduce yourself as you come in!
Earl Hall
WELCOME! To Steps To Voice Over Success
Steps To Voice Over Success
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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