Welcome to The Strive For 25 School
Welcome to the Group!! This is a group for Income-Earning Professionals who want to multiply wealth through real estate and Retire Early.
The Stair Step Method is a pathway for the every day person to Retire Early by scaling into Real Estate from the ground up using Low Down Payment Loans to build a multi million portfolio over 10, 20, 30 years.
However, the biggest limiting factor for people getting started is not having enough money saved.
So in this group, we will be helping each other 1) Increase Income 2) Save 25% 3) Invest in Real Estate
I have linked some valuable resources to get started:
StairStep Method Blueprint:
StairStep Calculator:
if you would like to read the full book from Amazon "How Literally Anyone Can Become A Millionaire" ($3): https://www.amazon.com/How-Literally-Anyone-Become-Millionaire-ebook/dp/B0CB7CVCLZ
Introduce yourself and lets get started on the journey.
Joel Farrell
Welcome to The Strive For 25 School
Strive For 25
The Wealth Equation is Simple: Save & Acquire Assets. So much content on cutting/budgeting, not enough about Increasing Income. Let's Help Each Other
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