My First Singularity Assignment
I have worked with AI across a few different platforms and applications, particularly in the context of my business, Furbaby Bestie. My primary experience is with ChatGPT, where I have used it extensively for ideation, project planning, and developing business strategies. This includes creating detailed business plans, project plans, pitch decks, budget estimations, and marketing media materials, all geared toward building and scaling my business. Recently, I’ve also explored to compare data response variations and assess its potential for generating business insights.
For generative AI purposes, I use Microsoft Copilot to create novel photo images that align with Furbaby Bestie's branding on social platforms. Additionally, I’ve designed breed-specific flashcards with Copilot and Canva, intended for educational purposes. I rely heavily on for meeting data tracking, helping me stay organized and focused during important discussions.
In terms of formal learning, I have completed the AI Essentials certification through Google/Coursera and actively participate in AI forums focusing on specific topics such as AI Responsibility, Ethics, and Deep Learning. These forums provide me with ongoing insights into the ethical considerations of AI development.
Looking forward, I’m eager to leverage AI in building the MVP of the Furbaby Bestie app, hoping to transform ideas into tangible solutions using AI tools. This would allow me to expand my capabilities from planning to execution within my business ecosystem.
Stephanie Glover
My First Singularity Assignment
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