1) I noticed a difference in my performance compared to the previous exercise. There were times I didn’t follow the market structure and I felt lost. When I followed the market structure I was more confident executing on the LTF.
2) I have to put in more reps of course but I feel more confident I could be profitable with everything the modules have taught me so far.
3) I was a bit discouraged before I finished this exercise but I feel with more reps in it’ll fall into place.
4) I had 8 winners, 4 that didn’t get filled. and 8 losers.
5) I had 15.6R profit at the end of this exercise. 20 trades.
6) The most common mistake I made was going against the trend and not following the HTF bias.
I was using the 15 minute for HTF context and the 1 minute to execute. I want to see how currency pairs do on the lower TF apparently the price action is cleaner, at times the price action was choppy and I could’ve waited for clearer confirmation and followed the bias. Perhaps If I had gone back on the 1 hour, the bias would’ve been clearer.