General Orientation
Think of this like a table of contents for The Convoy.
1. ) Community
  • This is where you'll interact with... DUH, the community. The general chat is where we discuss introductions, hang out, and for any broad information I have to pass!
2.) Classroom
  • This the where (as you rank up, which is done through interacting in the community) you get access to all the knowledge I drop and freebies along the way.
3.) Calendar
  • Unless I'm in the field 馃ゲ, every weekend I'll host a google meet for Q&A's and a "watch me work" session where you can see my creative process.
4.) Members and Leaderboards
  • This where you can see your ranking, how many points you need to progress, and your competition! The more interaction and likes on your posts, the more you rank up!
5.) About
  • This is what The Convoy is all about!
Devin Daniels
General Orientation
The Convoy
How I make money online as an Active Duty Marine, college student, content creator, and business owner!
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