Welcome to the Entrepreneur's Journey, a community built on collaboration and business development mastery.
This is a unique community mixing personal growth and entrepreneurship.
It was inspired by the Hero's Journey of Joseph Campbell, where he explains how every hero story follows the same archetypical story.
I believe the same can be said of entrepreneurship.
Therefore, this community is built on few tenets:
  • While every experience is unique, the Entrepreneur's Journey is fundamentally the same and can be deconstructed in milestones. By understanding these milestones, we can fast-track our business growth, reduce our risk and truly prosper.
  • Collaboration is the key to success, and is also the ultimate goal of the Entrepreneur's Journey. Just like Joseph Campbell's Hero's journey doesn't end by slaying the dragon and collecting the treasure, but rather by walking back and sharing the "Elixir of Wisdom", the Entrepreneur's Journey doesn't end at the exit, it ends when we use our knowledge to empower others in their journey, allowing us all to prosper and grow.
  • To truly prosper as entrepreneurs, we have to look beyond the extrinsic and anchor our vision into an identity that we strive to build. Doing so will allow us to find the resilience, we need to succeed in business.
  • A great life is one hero's journey after the other, and entrepreneurship can be a great path towards a meaningful life. But it is not the only answer, and we must be mindful of growing our business as well as taking care of our two other very important buckets : Energy (health) and Love (relationships).
If this resonates with you, you are at the right place.
I believe we need more ambitious leaders, committed to take action and manifest their vision.
The Entrepreneur's Journey can give us all the challenges we need to grow stronger and wiser, but to prosper requires a true commitment.
After all, prospering means "to move forward with hope", not buying a Lamborghini (nothing against making money, though, just need the right frame of mind).
Having built my own business from scratch to over $100m of revenue, sold it and started many other businesses since, I'm committed to staying in the Entrepreneur's Journey and to complete more loops until I have the level of knowledge and mastery I need to help other ambitious founder give their gifts to the world and prosper.
I seek to reverse engineer the different milestone we need to hit in order to grow our business to the next phase, build the necessary resources and tools to fast-track our growth while reducing our risks, and foster collaboration.
That is my commitment.
I'm still in the trenches, building inspiring businesses, and I hope you will join me.
I'm grateful for your trust and am committed to helping you grow.
I'm all in to build the following ecosystem:
  • Free resources to understand how to hit the next growth phase
  • Gamification to reward $$ members that help their fellow founders currently at a stage of growth that they have themselves mastered (I'm putting all my time into content creation, and really count on your help to create a culture of collaboration)
  • Free challenges to move from theory to practise*
  • Free and Paid Specialized workshop
*While the challenges are free, they may require a paid subscription which includes an advanced tech stack adapted to your growth stage. I'm doing my best to build an affordable offer that will allow us to play with the same tools and therefore truly accelerate our learning curve & impact. Stay tuned :)
Challenges I'm working on:
  1. Ideation Stage: "Launchpad Challenge"
  2. Seed Stage: "Fundraising Challenge"
  3. Seed Stage: "Revenue Ramp-Up Challenge"
  4. Seed to Growth: "Lead Mastery Challenge"
  5. Growth: "Profit Maximizer Challenge"
  6. Seed to Growth: "Team Synergy Challenge"
Of course, this means I'm in hermit mode, so please understand I may not be as responsive.
Looking forward to your feedback and volunteers to beta test offers before they are released (just send me a DM :)).
Go to the introduction tab and introduce yourself.
Be on the lookout of members you could help.
Share your success and struggles: we are here to grow and inspire.
Phil Neil
The Entrepreneur's Journey
A community based on Collaboration & Business Development. Decoding the Entrepreneur's Journey: from Ideation--> Seed--> Growth--> Exit --> Mentorship
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