Be A Goldfish
Be A Goldfish
If you have ever watched Ted Lasso you will be familiar with this phrase.
When one of his players makes a mistake, Ted tells them to ‘Be A Goldfish’.
And yeah they give the same reaction you probably just had which is…
‘What on earth are you talking about?’
No he is not telling you to grow fins and go for a swim. Although if you can do that, go for it.
It is said that Goldfish have an incredibly short memory and so they move on quicker. I doubt they experience the same problems as us but it’s still useful for them I guess.
The point is to not get caught up in your mistakes and dwell on them.
See if there is something you can learn from them, and move on.
You can’t change the past, but you can impact the future.
So when you make a mistake next time, ‘Be A Goldfish’ and get back to work.
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Brandon Walsh
Be A Goldfish
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