🔶️Introduce yourself
🔸️Hello there Hidden members,
Tell me... who-ho-o are-e you-o? Its freezing almost feels like here. Just smoking a sigaret like every morning routine and creating a new page. "This time it needs to be different".
🔶️I want to know whos joining, so please can 🔸️you tell me who you are?
🔸️How old you are
🔸️What your goal is in life
🔸️Your Interests
🔸️What are your bad a good properties?
This is a must in this group, like i wanna get a close community were everyone knows each other and not only respect but dont judge here.
🔶️Lets make this waayyy better😜
Dani Gabriele Edvidge
🔶️Introduce yourself
The Hidden student
My daily life in a journal📚 - masterplan course soon🧠 - just sharing my life style🙅‍♂️ - join to keep updated📥 - just a student✅️
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