📥I'll keep updating trough my day📥
Couple hours of sleep, but decided to stay awake, have my breakfast and go to the gym.
[06:12] This night I finished my sales course 1 and made it into an essay. Very happy with the results and course 2 will start after the gym, while preparing in the gym while workingout.
[09:02] Just finished my gym session but clueless what to do next. I can start my 2nd course, but also my room needs a good cleanup. So cleaning and in mean while watching the sales video to make it easier for myself. Perfect🤓
[10:19] Changed my mind, I'll be making an essay about Interview skills.
[11:39] Have some new ideas for maybe making a course about something, idk what yet...
[14:28] Came up with a really good idea for making a course, keeping it secret tho for a while. Only when I'm done with my preparation and with my business plan, before that this wont come online. hehe
the rest of the day was not really that special, i went out for a walk, did applied to some jobs and had a nice dinner with my family in the evening. see ya tomorrow