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Journal [11/11/2024]📚
Good evening, my day was pretty relaxed, had some job interviews, went to the gym, did my meditation and talked to some friends about going to a festival tonight, but i canceled it. why..? i have no idea, just the idea of getting drunken is not in my picture anymore. I rather stay home writing my blog, making courses and prepare myself for my future. [19:32] Ive been thinking on what im going to do and i came to the conclusion to write out the module 2 of prospecting & leads. I'll keep you updated! [20:10] Made a new insta post, also its really interesting how prospecting can identify potentional customers to increase the chances of making a sale in the future. [21:52] Finished my essay about prospecting and leads and its great! also I’m making essays about sales and I’m focussing on the end result, because making and listening to video’s and searching up information is boring so to overcome this feeling, I’m already thinking on what feeling it gives when I am done with it. This mindfulness that I am doing is helping me to be completely aware of myself in these kind of situations. So again improvement! now I will eat something and go to bed. enough education today for me, goodnightt😴
Journal [10/11/2024]📚
📥I'll keep updating trough my day📥 Goodmorning🪫, Couple hours of sleep, but decided to stay awake, have my breakfast and go to the gym. [06:12] This night I finished my sales course 1 and made it into an essay. Very happy with the results and course 2 will start after the gym, while preparing in the gym while workingout. [09:02] Just finished my gym session but clueless what to do next. I can start my 2nd course, but also my room needs a good cleanup. So cleaning and in mean while watching the sales video to make it easier for myself. Perfect🤓 [10:19] Changed my mind, I'll be making an essay about Interview skills. [11:39] Have some new ideas for maybe making a course about something, idk what yet... [14:28] Came up with a really good idea for making a course, keeping it secret tho for a while. Only when I'm done with my preparation and with my business plan, before that this wont come online. hehe the rest of the day was not really that special, i went out for a walk, did applied to some jobs and had a nice dinner with my family in the evening. see ya tomorrow
Journal [09/11/2024]📚
[Name: Dani] [Age: 22] [Date: 09/22/2024] How do I start this uhmm...... where to begin..? Let start with my hobbies, so I love to go to the gym. I'll upload my gym progress also this week, because i think that would be interesting to see. Also I'm a big fan of anime, idk i just fking love it💁‍♂️ my morning routine is kinda shit if i have to say myself. I'm currently now working so I'm up until late every night. wake up like in the afternoon sometime and eat something. not really healthy, but I'm aware of my behaviour and it is what is right now. I applicated for some job interviews, so im hoping to get back to work next week. Thats 1 big step and problem out of the way to rebuild myself into not what i was before, but into a way better version of myself shaping and creating my path to my perfect reality. As in now im just writing everyday, following a self development/sales course for my self development to get the most out of myself and to be well educated. This first post is little bit all over the place about who I am, what I do and why I do it. Just to give a quick indication about my life.
Journal [09/11/2024]📚
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The Hidden student
My daily life in a journal📚 - masterplan course soon🧠 - just sharing my life style🙅‍♂️ - join to keep updated📥 - just a student✅️
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