Jun 16 (edited) in Admin
Rules, Contributions and Site Usage
Be a teacher: Guide without giving away the answers.
If you prefer learning through experience, you're at the right place. However, "learning through experience" implies that answers should not be spoon-fed to you.
Based on my teaching experience and personal journey, I know that grinding through tough challenges after covering the theory is the best way to learn. In contrast, if you get the solutions handed to you on a plate, it does not teach you much.
No Code
So the first rule is: you are welcome to give advice or suggestions or guidance, but PLEASE DO NOT give people the code, since you will hinder their progress, even if you might think that you are helping. One or two lines of code is okay, but please do not give entire solutions. Instead, rather guide people to discover the solutions on their own. That is what makes you a great teacher.
Please keep your comments positive and constructive.
Become a Contributor
Existing Courses
In addition to pointing out any typos or other errors, we welcome any professional educational contributions you might want to add to our courses, including videos, articles, coding examples, etc.
Please just refrain from providing solutions for existing course projects - for reasons discussed above under Rules.
Please contact us to discuss your contributions.
New Contributions
Perhaps you have always wanted to publish your own articles, videos or courses. Please contact us if you would like to host them in this community.
How to use this site
Community Tab
You can filter posts by Category. Click on the required category, below the "Write something" text box.
When starting a new thread, please select the appropriate category in the pop-up window. Please contact us if you need a new category to be created.
You need to be at Level 2 before you can Post.
Classroom Tab
Visit this tab for detailed information about all courses. The Classroom also contains additional educational information which does not form part of any courses.
Calendar Tab
The calendar displays the time slots of scheduled live events.
Member Tab
Use this tab to DM (chat) with other members privately.
You need to be at Level 2 before you can DM.
Easy hey!
Gerhard Liebenberg
Rules, Contributions and Site Usage
The IT Course
"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn." – Benjamin Franklin
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