Dont be shy!
Monday/Tomorrow is the official launch of the community!
I know it’s going to be a slow burn and that’s okay. I believe it will build into something very important.
This community is a place for men to be men. To encourage that culture.
Especially for veterans. This entire project was constructed in order to help veterans and men to get their mental health back on track. While simultaneously helping a whole stack of other health issues. Chronic illness, joint pain, obesity, confidence, etc.
So I ask that we be as good a community as any. Please introduce yourself. Welcome others. Be inclusive. Be however active you want to be, but the more active you are, the more of a difference you’ll make.
As of right now, I will have an open zoom call (in the calendar) 4 days a week at 2pm Mountain Time. This time is subject to change based on demands. We will have a variety of coaches and speakers on these calls! Your time to ask questions, bond, make connections, build camaraderie, etc.
Again I am pumped you are willing to be here to help support the vision. If you know anyone that could benefit from this group, please spread the word.
I absolutely love you guys!
Steaks, Strangles, and Stoicism.
“Don’t do drugs, and don’t eat vegetables.”
Chad Myers
Dont be shy!
Combat Carnivore Community
Together, let’s take back your health! With Steaks, Strangles, and Stoicism we can not only reclaim your health, but put you in a position to thrive!
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