Building 2x courses on for people in our community - Thoughts?
Hi Team,
I'm thinking of building 2x courses for our community as we expand and grow.
➡️ 1. How to Find, Connect, and Build a Relationship with a Mentor
Why It’s Valuable: Having a mentor can be game-changing for personal and professional growth. But many people struggle with knowing where to find the right mentor, how to approach them, and most importantly, how to build a mutually beneficial, long-term relationship. This course can fill a huge knowledge gap for aspiring entrepreneurs, professionals, and even students who are looking for guidance.
➡️ 2. How to Find a Great Network
Why It’s Valuable: In business and life, your network is your net worth. A strong network can open doors, provide opportunities, and offer support—but many struggle to figure out where to find the right people, how to build genuine relationships, and how to leverage their network without coming off as transactional. This course will teach people how to strategically build a powerful network that serves them both personally and professionally.
🌏What do you guys think?!?!
Suraj Vaghjiani
Building 2x courses on for people in our community - Thoughts?
The Migrant Mentor
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