Evaluating Productivity in Hybrid Teams
Balancing the benefits and challenges of flexible work arrangements is crucial for maintaining team productivity. According to Gallup's study of 2,877 remote-capable workers in the U.S., effective collaboration requires structured plans and continuous adaptation.
Key Insights
✨Need for a Collaboration Plan.
Half of hybrid workers (48%) lack a formal or informal plan for effective collaboration. Teams with a collaboration plan are 2.2 times more likely to report a positive impact on teamwork and 66% more likely to be engaged at work.
✨ Regular Team Meetings.
Regular check-in meetings optimize coordination. Guidelines for availability and communication enhance team collaboration.
✨ Reflect and Adapt.
Ongoing discussions about improving hybrid teamwork lead to 84% better collaboration and 50% higher engagement. Only 22% of teams have regular discussions about hybrid work, indicating a need for more frequent reflections.
✨ Upskilling.
Only 21% of hybrid workers have received training on effective hybrid work. Effective managers, who are trained to lead hybrid teams, result in four times higher employee engagement and wellbeing.
Source: GALLUP.
What's your experience with hybrid team productivity? Do you think these strategies would work for your team? Share your thoughts.
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Evaluating Productivity in Hybrid Teams
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