Jun 21 (edited) in 💬 Networking
Job Sharing in Senior Positions
At Chivas Brothers, part of the Pernod Ricard Group, Rowan Ahmadi-Nameghi and Pam Herries have been working together in the head of internal communications and culture role for six months in a job share arrangement 👯‍♀️
Here's what they had to say about their experience.
Rowan Ahmadi-Nameghi: "Navigating maternity leave with my second child, I faced a whirlwind of time constraints and nursery bugs. I love my job but I knew it’d be impacted in the new context, and I would need flexibility upon my return. I proposed a shift in roles and responsibilities to work three days a week. Immediately, HR and my manager suggested a job share – an unexpected twist that I gladly embraced".
Pam Herries: "We split our time equally, working three days a week with a critical crossover day on Wednesday. This is the optimum solution so that there is dedicated time for team handovers, knowledge sharing and co-creation".
Rowan Ahmadi-Nameghi: “While all stakeholders were excited about the concept, we had to quickly prove we could make it work. It took months to model and test our systems of work because it was new, and we had to do it on the job”.
Pam Herries: “We created a constant feedback loop with our team, to ensure they were getting what they needed. We adapted as went along, and managed expectations of senior stakeholders and our peers”.
Source: HRMagazine
Share your thoughts:
  • Have you implemented job sharing in your organization? How did it work out?
  • What challenges and benefits have you observed with such an arrangement?
  • Could job sharing be a viable option for senior roles in your company? Why or why not?
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Job Sharing in Senior Positions
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