The High Cost of Low Employee Commitment
Gallup's State of the Global Workplace report provides a comprehensive overview of employee engagement worldwide. According to their research, low involvement costs the global economy $8.9 trillion, or 9% of global GDP.
23% - Engaged
62% - Not Engaged
15% - Actively Disengaged
Here are three key insights from Gallup's research:
✨ Insight 1. Better job markets reduce employee misery but don't necessarily increase engagement.
In countries with better job markets, fewer workers are actively disengaged since they have more opportunities to leave bad jobs. However, these conditions mostly shift employees from active disengagement to indifference rather than high engagement.
✨ Insight 2. Employee engagement is a critical predictor of business performance during challenging times.
During economic downturns, engaged employees are more resilient and committed, leading to better business performance. They double down on their efforts, while indifferent workers feel powerless. Higher engagement levels correlate with lower turnover and higher profitability.
✨ Insight 3. Strong labor laws and employee engagement together enhance employee wellbeing.
Labor laws ensure fair treatment and job security, contributing to life satisfaction. However, workforce engagement plays a more significant role in fostering optimism. Engaged team members in countries with robust labor protections report the highest wellbeing levels.
These insights highlight the need for organizations to prioritize engagement strategies to boost productivity and reduce turnover, regardless of external economic conditions.
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What strategies has your organization implemented to enhance employee engagement? How do you balance between macro-level policies and micro-level management to improve workplace wellbeing?
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The High Cost of Low Employee Commitment
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