What HR Can Learn from Wild Geese
Nature remains a source of inspiration in various spheres of life, and human resources are no exception. Simon Crawford Welch, Leadership & Executive Development Coach, highlights intriguing behaviors in wild geese that can be applied to team dynamics.
For example, geese achieve more together than apart. By flying in a V formation, each bird's wing flapping creates lift for those behind, resulting in a 72% greater flying range for the flock compared to flying solo. This demonstrates that when we share a common direction and sense of community, we can reach our goals more efficiently by working together and supporting each other.
Here are a few more interesting facts from nature:
Collective Responsibility.
"Geese understand that they all have a responsibility to take their turn to lead the formation. When the lead goose tires, it moves back into formation and another goose flies to the front to take its place. Like geese, we depend on each other’s skills, capabilities, gifts, talents and resources and this shows us that when everyone plays their part and shares the challenges of leadership and work, it is to the benefit of every individual."
The Power of Positivity.
"When in flight, the team of goose honk to encourage those at the front to keep up their speed. This positive reinforcement is a reminder to us all of the importance of giving praise and showing kindness to one another, particularly when things become difficult or the pressure is on".
Have you observed any animal behaviors that could be applied to teamwork and leadership? Share your ideas!
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What HR Can Learn from Wild Geese
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