Welcome To The Beta People First Community! Who am I?
Dear Community,
I want to share my journey with you—from my humble beginnings to where I am today, building a logistics empire with Amazon. Coming from parents who were a social worker and a football coach, I didn't inherit wealth. My story isn't about boasting; it's about showing you that achieving your dreams is possible, regardless of your background.
Many of you may relate to feeling lost, wondering where to start. Well, I've been there too. The truth is, the starting point isn't glamorous—it's about picking one path, even if it doesn't tick all the boxes, and sticking with it. Whether it's starting a Shopify store or diving into the physical labor of a trucking company, there will be aspects you love and hate. But that's okay. The key is to start, persevere, and pivot when needed.
Remember, opportunities are everywhere. Even the keyboard I'm typing on was crafted by someone who turned a mundane task into profit. And I'm here to help you seize those opportunities. Whether it's through guides or courses, or one on one meetings, I'm committed to teaching entrepreneurship in logistics because it's a field that's here to stay.
Now, you might wonder why I'm investing time in building this community when I'm already successful. Well, entrepreneurship isn't just about one stream of income—it's about diversifying. Teaching allows me to give back and, yes, earn a bit extra. It's incredibly rewarding to hear how I've changed lives through education.
I encourage you to watch the video attached to this message, where I share more about my journey. Let's start building a connection here. Share where you're at in life. It's okay to be vulnerable. I'm here to listen and support you.
Best, Sidney Tarver
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Sidney Tarver
Welcome To The Beta People First Community! Who am I?
The People First Community
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