This is the hardest part with cold calling.
Fix this and you'll fix a lot of other problems.
💬 - "I lack consistency with my cold calling."
I hear this a lot, you likely recognise it.
It's a problem. You need consistency. You need to have control over how many conversations you're having. That will lead to meetings. They will lead to sales.
And make no mistake about it, I've struggled with this in the past but understand this...
...the hardest part with cold calling is turning up. ⏰
Cold calling will always come with a degree of difficulty, that is my belief.
It is mentally taxing.
Cold calling requires your constant attention and focus. To listen, to understand, to read between the lines, to adapt and respond to each individual situation. It's a monotonous task, repetitive. This only make's it more challenging.
The brain also knows this. 🧠
That feeling of, I can't be arsed to call today is your brain trying to persuade you not to do it. The brain wants us to preserve our energy.
Despite living in the safest period in the history of the world, our brain hasn't caught up. We're still in survival mode. The brain tells us we need to conserve our energy, who know's when we might need it.
There are similarities with going to the gym or going for a run. You've probably already recognised them.
The brain tries to talk us out of going.
Just the very thought of going for a run leads to thoughts of: I can't be arsed today, I can always do it later, it's raining, I'll do it tomorrow.
They're all excuses. You'll notice they are the same excuses we make about cold calling. Perhaps rain aside. ☔️
Ever noticed that when we are in actual danger, that little voice in our head never say's don't run now, we'll do it tomorrow. It doesn't, you don't even think about it, you're in flight mode. You run.
So how do we overcome this?
Well let's start here. How do you make it easier to go for a run or go to the gym? 🏋🏼‍♂️
The simple answer is you remove the friction.
All of the things that get in the way of you not going.
You plan it. You pick a gym close to your house, close to work. You tell yourself you want to do it. You get your stuff ready the night before. Kit out, shoes by the door. Everything prepared so that the only thing left to do is to turn up and do it.
Cold calling is the same. Remove the friction.
1️⃣ - Plan it. Block out your calendar.
2️⃣ - Make it a habit, do it at the same time every day. Remove conscious thought.
3️⃣ - Prep your list. Have it all set up the day before so the only thing left to do is press the dial button. 4️⃣ - Practice. Be prepared for every potential outcome on your calls and practice it.
5️⃣ - Tell yourself you want to do it.
Some of this might seem trivial and there are of course more things you can do, this is just the tip of the iceberg. But I do know one thing...
...they work.
Callum Beecroft
This is the hardest part with cold calling.
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