Breaking the Silence: Voices of Survivors releases Tuesday January 16th!
"Breaking silence: Voices of Survivors" is a 20 author anthology of survival and resilience stories from across the globe (4 different countries!). I am proud and excited to be one of the authors in this first edition, sharing my story of surviving childhood rape and other traumas, and how, after the hard work of healing, those experiences have propelled me to now be the Founder of My Step Ahead and Chief Instigator of the Dare to Believe Movement!
I am now booking interviews to share my story and my chapter in the book. If your audience could benefit from topics like resilience, trauma recovery, identity, mental health, and perseverance, I would be honored to apply to be a guest on your show. Please message me or reply here. Thank you!
Sue Bowles
Breaking the Silence: Voices of Survivors releases Tuesday January 16th!
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