Excited to be here!
Hello all!
I am Lisa, a Transformational Menopause Coach. I was an Educator for 20 years, I resigned in June to create a community for midlife women to come together and reclaim their magic in midlife. Rediscovering who they are through the empty nest and menopause transition.
I am 40 episodes into my podcast Transforming 45, it's a space for women to tell their stories of transformation, to claim who they are now and how life introduced them to this version of themselves. My goal is to contribute to the burgeoning narrative of what it looks like to be a woman who is thriving and standing in her power in midlife and beyond.
I'm looking for guests to share their stories of transformation.
I'm also looking for perimenopause/menopause experts.
I also love to guest on other peoples shows!
Looking forward to creating some exciting collaborations!
Lisa Boate
Excited to be here!
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