Critical Thinking
I came across this idea last week that critical thinking is inherent, or innate in humans. The idea is that we are rational animals and that is simply what we are able to do. It is what separates us from animals.
I understand that everyone is going to have a different capacity for critical thinking, but it made me think that schools and education shouldn't teach critical thinking itself. I came to the thought that what should be taught is pure knowledge about a subject, because a lack of knowledge and facts are going to be a hindrance to how effectively one is able to critically think about a topic.
Just as a doctor can critically think about a surgery, but they couldn't about the engine of a car and vice versa for the mechanic.
A common problem we hear today is people are less able to think critically about the world. This would suggest the problem is that we are not teaching children enough knowledge about the world, not that we aren't teaching them to think critically, if critical thinking is innate.
What do you guys think? Am I on to something?
Charles Chubb
Critical Thinking
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