As I sit here with my baby boy on my lap and think about the state of the Church since the Zionist Christian movement I see how the church, America, and the Free world has fallen as more and more Jews replace Christians in positions of power in countries especially America.
It is my opinion that the Christian Zionist has un-blessed the world over the past 70 years.
Christian Zionism [anti-christism] is an oxymoron. Being that we must have been moron's to be duped into this. Me especially. It was pastors on TV who were most to blame for this. I believe we are at a time that those of us who know have to help the church realize what they have done and how they have become Judas. When you read this does it sound like those who are against Christ should be allied with and prayed for them to have victory and power?
Matthew 3:7 John calls the Pharisees and Sadducees a "brood of vipers" for being hypocrites and warning them of God's wrath.
Matthew 12:34 Jesus tells the Pharisees they are evil, and their words reflect their corrupt hearts.
Matthew 21:43 Jesus says that the kingdom of God will be taken from the Jews and given to a more worthy people.
Matthew 23:13-15 Jesus condemns the Pharisees for blocking the kingdom of heaven, misleading converts, and making them worse than they were.
Matthew 23:23-25 Jesus rebukes the Pharisees for focusing on minor rules but neglecting justice, mercy, and faith.
Matthew 23:27-28 Jesus calls the Pharisees like whitewashed tombs—looking righteous on the outside but full of hypocrisy and wickedness inside.
Matthew 23:29-36 Jesus accuses the Jewish leaders of approving the killings of prophets by their ancestors and prophesies they will be held responsible for this sin.
Matthew 27:25 The crowd declares that Jesus' blood is on them and their children, accepting responsibility for his death.
Mark 7:6-9 Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocrites, quoting Isaiah, saying they honor God with their lips, but their hearts are far from him. They focus on traditions while neglecting God's commands.
Luke 11:39-42 Jesus criticizes the Pharisees for being outwardly clean but inwardly corrupt, and for neglecting justice and love for God while following petty rules.
Luke 11:47-51 Jesus accuses the Jewish leaders of approving the murder of prophets by their ancestors and warns them they will be judged for it.
Luke 20:9-16 Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard owner who sends servants and his son to collect fruit, but the tenants kill them. The parable is a criticism of the Jewish leaders' rejection of God's messengers.
John 5:37-40 Jesus tells the Jews that they don’t truly believe in God's word or recognize the scriptures' testimony about him.
John 7:19 Jesus asks why they are trying to kill him when Moses gave them the law, yet they don’t obey it.
John 8:37 Jesus tells them they want to kill him because they reject his message, despite being descendants of Abraham.
John 8:44 Jesus accuses the Jews of being children of the devil, as they follow lies and want to kill him, much like their father, the devil.
Acts 7:51-53 Stephen calls the Jewish leaders stubborn and rebellious, accusing them of resisting the Holy Spirit and killing prophets.
Acts 13:10 Paul calls someone a "child of the devil" for deceiving others and perverting God's ways.
Acts 28:25-27 Paul quotes Isaiah, saying the people are spiritually blind and deaf, refusing to understand or accept the truth.
1 Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 Paul says the Thessalonian Christians imitated other churches in Judea, suffering as the Jews did, who killed Jesus and the prophets and persecuted Christians.
Revelation 2:9 Jesus says that some who claim to be Jews are not, but instead are a "synagogue of Satan."
Revelation 3:9 Jesus says he will make those who claim to be Jews but are liars bow down and acknowledge that he loves the true believers.
Daniel Collier
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