Tin House Summer 2024 Residency
Fiction (novel/short), Nonfiction, Poetry, and Graphic Novel, as well as the translation of any of those genres.
When applicable, applicants may be under contract to publish the book they are applying with.
International writers may apply.
Former Residents may not apply. Former Scholars and past Workshop faculty may apply.
You must be 21 years of age or older by the start date of the residency you are applying for.
Trans Author Residency June This residency is intended for any writer who identifies as trans and is working on a full-length manuscript.
General Residency July This residency is intended for any writer working on a full-length manuscript.
First Book Residency August This residency is intended for debut writers who have not yet published a full-length book. Applicants may be under contract but cannot be scheduled to publish their debuts until 2025. Chapbooks and self-published works do not count toward this requirement.
Neva Talladen
Tin House Summer 2024 Residency
The Unexpected Shape Café
A no-cost space for ambitious writers living with limitations to talk about their dreams, frustrations, and questions as they pursue the writing life.
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