Tips for the VERY FIRST First Draft
I have lately had the desire to write about my trip visiting my family's homeland of Ecuador... but I've never tackled that story before except when people ask me about it. I keep on telling myself that I just need to get it out--sound and voice doesn't matter in this draft--but I'm cringing so much that my motivation is waning.
How do y'all get the VERY FIRST first draft out? How do you psych yourselves out of the idea of needing it to be a particular way in order to be motivated to write it? I know I should just keep my head down and continue... but another part of me is questioning how on earth can I do that when (1) my memory of these events, people, and emotions are vague and (2) it's hard to clarify & dwell on these vague memories? It's not a story based on trauma which is something I'm also not used to doing in craft... it's rather one about finding home, family, and joy in another place. This also adds to my worries that I''m blaspheming my heritage if I don't get it right on the first try...
Taylor Nunez
Tips for the VERY FIRST First Draft
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