"Be better"
Are you happy how you are right now?
I hope the answer is yes, everyone should be happy.
You should not be CONTENT!
Strive for more, work to be better, progress in every aspect of life; do not settle for mediocracy.
Unfortunately, the average EVERYTHING is pretty shit. You can not be average! You MUST be better than you competition, be better than the average Joe and especially be better than how you were yesterday.
Life, just like currency, has inflation. The inflation of life is slowly eating you up, just like how inflation decreases the purchasing power of a currency. This means you HAVE to increase your value if you want to avoid being chewed up and spat out by life.
Staying stagnant isn't an option, that's worse than getting worse because you're sitting in a false sense of security.
Be better.
Ben Criddle
"Be better"
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