Episode 1 of my Yellow Pill Podcast
Hi guys! I know you haven't heard from me for a while. When things get hectic, some projects tend to be shoved to the back burner for a bit. I've had to battle a serious rut and cut in momentum just to make this post, but hey that's life! And here we are at this point of time.
Anyway, since then I've been able to publish my very own podcast show called The Yellow Pill Podcast! It will be a series of discussions centered around modern ideas on how to build successful businesses, create strong teams, play the infinite sum game, and WIN at life by being wealthy, healthy and happy.
Episode 1 is now out on both Youtube and Spotify! And since you guys are here in the Yellow Pill Society I thought it would be more special to share some of the thoughts at the back of my head with you guys:
Essentially the podcast marks my shift from the short discussions of 1-3minutes with the catchy music, fast cuts and B rolls. Being a student of the game myself, I found that I learn more from discussion type videos with less hype but are more long-form and nuanced. In an attempt to create more of the type of content I wish to consume, I decided my content should follow the same form as well. So the Yellow Pill podcast will consist of deep dive discussions and real life examples mixed with my own thoughts and experiences around the topics I'd wish to share with you.
Keeping up with content while trying to make life work at a manageable rate has been a struggle for me guys. So posting this here now is literally me trying to say "I don't have anything under control, but hey here I am living to try for another day"
Hope you guys enjoy the podcast! If you do have any comments, I would greatly, greatly, appreciate receiving them. Cheers guys
Miguel Lumapas
Episode 1 of my Yellow Pill Podcast
The Yellow Pill Society
If you're an ambitious divergent thinker and you want to play the infinite sum game and become wealthy, healthy and happy with us, welcome home.
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