Want to get more views on YouTube?
Make sure you do these 3 things when creating an intro for an educational YouTube video:
Proof - Prove that you are a reliable source for the information you are giving.
(I’m an Entrepreneur and have started and sold 3 million $ companies)
Promise - Let the viewer know what they will find out in the video.
(in this video I’m going to explain to you how to start a business you can scale to $1M )
Plan - How are you going to execute on the promise
(I’m going to do this by taking you through my 7 step process)
These can come in any order, prioritise whichever one is most important to your audience to come first.
If you do this, you will successfully communicate to the audience what value you will provide them & why they should listen to you.
David Carbutt
Want to get more views on YouTube?
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