Declutter Session Schedule
12:00-12:07 - Cohort shares optional connection stories, then Group Q&A + Coaching
12:07-12:10 - Breakout rooms and introducing yourselves and stating what you want to complete in the next 40 minutes
12:10-12:50 - Declutter Session in Progress (40m)
12:50-12:55 - Rejoin the main room to celebrate what was completed and their Most Important Next Step.
12:55-1:00 - 5 minute break and option to leave the virtual coworking session
1:00-1:05 - Go into breakout room to continue working on certain task or new one and start a new task. Introduce yourself and state what you’re going to complete in the next 40 minutes
1:05-1:45 - Declutter Session in Progress (40m)
1:45-1:50 - Debrief Session + Celebrations + State Most Important Next Steps (MINS)
1:55-2:00 - Q&A
2:00 - Session Ends
Kathleen Short
Declutter Session Schedule
Daily Digital Declutter 101
Declutter your digital life with tools, tips, and support for staying organized, focused, and stress-free in 90 days!
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