There's Levels to This...
Level 1: Digital Novice
  • Objective: Understand the basics of digital decluttering and set initial goals.
  • Tasks: Complete the initial questionnaire and participate in the first strategy session.
Level 2: Inbox Organizer
  • Objective: Achieve "Inbox Zero" by clearing out unread emails and setting up an email management system.
  • Tasks: Implement email filters, unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters, and organize folders.
Level 3: Notification Manager
  • Objective: Reduce and manage notifications to minimize distractions.
  • Tasks: Adjust notification settings, prioritize alerts, and establish a "do not disturb" schedule.
Level 4: Text Message Tamer
  • Objective: Organize and declutter text messages for efficient communication.
  • Tasks: Delete old conversations, categorize messages, and set up auto-replies if applicable.
Level 5: Media & Files Organizer
  • Objective: Manage and organize photos and videos to free up storage and improve device performance.
  • Tasks: Delete duplicates, create albums, and back up important media.
Level 6: App Optimizer
  • Objective: Streamline apps to enhance device functionality and reduce distractions.
  • Tasks: Uninstall unused apps, organize app folders, and manage app permissions.
Level 7: Workflow Enhancer
  • Objective: Establish efficient digital workflows to improve productivity.
  • Tasks: Set up task management systems, utilize productivity tools, and integrate calendars.
Level 8: Habit Builder (TEND Method)
  • Objective: Develop consistent digital habits to maintain an organized digital life.
  • Tasks: Implement daily digital routines, monitor screen time, and adjust habits as needed.
Level 9: Digital Declutter Master
  • Objective: Maintain a state of digital minimalism with ongoing commitment.
  • Tasks: Regularly review and update digital systems, mentor others in digital decluttering, and stay informed on best practices.
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Kathleen Short
There's Levels to This...
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