What I learned in a room full of Multi-Millionaires
A talk to a lot of people everyday.
In fact I just got back from a retreat full of Multi-Millionaires in Bel Air Los Angeles.
I figured there would be a lot of talk about business and how to optimize and different secrets you can only hear after spending thousands of dollars (Which I did)
Instead I was taken completely off guard by the topic of the first day...
The host of this retreat (Dan Bolton) went on to describe the horrible relationship he had with his business, scaling past $250,000 a month while simultaneously drinking away his pain and drowning in trauma.
It was not until he took a step back and faced the demons of his past that he was able to stop drinking, restore balance within his family, and find peace.
This lead to him running a much more successful business WITHOUT adding in any secret tricks.
Personally, this hit home.
I often push push push to get to the next monthly income goal without regard for myself, my friends, and especially my family.
This retreat has given me a lot to think about as I prep with my team for the new year and I hope this story will give you a lot to think about as well.
If this resonates with you i'd love to hear your plans or focus for the new year.
Where do you want to improve?
Benny D
What I learned in a room full of Multi-Millionaires
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