1. Could you please introduce yourself and tell us where you're from?
David Calderisi, Canadian, 83 yrs old, retired actor.
2. How long have you been involved in songwriting or music production?
Been “around” music throughout professional life which included singing and dancing. Wrote some undistinguished songs played with elementary guitar skills fifty years ago (pretty much all 3-chord stuff) .
3. What inspired you to pursue songwriting/music production? a) a desire to learn more about the “nature of music”; b) a desire to acquire the necessary skills to be able to play simple classical pieces and feel comfortable improvising for personal pleasure.
4. How have you been developing your ear training skills so far? Apart from UYE, I’ve gathered study/practice materials from a variety of sources both online and from books. I try to spend at least one hour a day working on development.
5. What is one artist that has greatly influenced your work? Why? Unable to name one in particular. There are so many, especially in the fields of classics and jazz
6. What genres of music do you typically work within? (see #5)
7. What specific challenges are you currently facing in songwriting, music production, or ear training? a) sight reading still far from competent; b) two-hand keyboard co-ordination still a major challenge; c) muscle memory to be able to play simple chords without looking; d) making sufficient time each day to maintain sustained development.
8. What's one accomplishment in your musical journey that you're particularly proud of? a) Able (almost!) to play all twelve major scales without looking, as well as a number of Hanon exercises.
9. What are you hoping to gain from this community? Stimulation & Inspiration
10. Do you play any musical instruments? If so, which ones? (see above)
11. Do you have any experience with the UseYourEar method? Yes. Joined years ago. But must confess to not having given it the consistent attention it merits.
12. Can you share a piece of advice or a tip that helped you in your musical journey? (smile) Don’t feel competent to advise anyone at this point.
(please direct replies to: dcalderisi1@outlook.com
David Calderisi
UYE Songwriting & Production
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