One Of The Best Products I've Ever Gone Through
I'm not going to lie, I've spent well over $50K-$100K on different offers out there.
And I have to say, Austin's VES is one of the best program I've ever gone through.
The whole event gave me SO MUCH MORE than just virtual events.
It actually gives me a better structure to run clients through when we start working together.
I've been personally very successful launching evergreen low ticket offers helping my clients make well over 7 figures in sales...but never done anything in a live format which is why I signed up as I'm going to run a virtual event as well as one of my clients.
Austin doesn't hold anything back here. If you watch his event, you'll know how to put on a virtual event that can make you 100K days.
That's where we're headed, will report back when we go live.
Oh and his funnel hacks library is worth it's weight in gold.
That on it's own could be sold for over $100.
I've spend $200+ on similar "funnel hacking" products that didn't deliver anywhere close to what his breakdowns deliver.
Austin knows his shit. Sign up if you want to run money making virtual events
Zac Hansen
One Of The Best Products I've Ever Gone Through
Virtual Event School
Helping Coaches, Experts, Consultants create high-value programs that sell for 3-30k automatically.
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