Part1: Building a Packaging company in 7 days for £100
Hey members has kindly allowed us to use her idea as a case study. Building any online business we need to start with these 4 points Product, Customer, Strategy, and Branding.There will be alot of information over the next seven days so at any point please feel free to reply underneath a post and ask for clarity. We will be asking specific questions to help her discover her brand and online store. So buckle up class is in session.
1. **Identify Your why:**
- For you to be truly succesful selling products you have to ask yourself why? This why will help connect with other people who also share that why?
2. **Define Your Target Customer:**
- Understand who your ideal customers are, their needs, and how your product can solve their problems.
3. **Understand the Market:**
- Analyze market trends, competitors, and pricing strategies to position your product effectively and identify gaps in the market.
4. **Develop a Unique Value Proposition:**
- Craft a clear message that communicates why your product is better or different from competitors.
5. **Build a Brand Identity:**
- Create a consistent brand image, including logos, colors, and messaging, that resonates with your audience.
6. **Design a Marketing Strategy:**
- Use social media, content creation , to target your customers and build awareness.
7. **Engage Your Audience:**
- Actively interact with your customers through social media, email, and feedback channels to build loyalty and refine your offerings based on their input.
"what problem are you solving or rather why have you decided to choose Mailer bags and oxygen packets. Is there a reason this product resonates with were you are in life right now? "
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Emmanuel Asuquo
Part1: Building a Packaging company in 7 days for £100
Wealth Creation Academy
Founded by financial adviser Emmanuel Asuquo, this group exists to help individuals achieve financial freedom through wealth creation.
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