New free course
has blessed you all with a new six part course, free of charge, exclusive to members of this group.
The Death of Social Media (and what to do about it)
You'll discover
  • Why the last five years of social media has painted a bleak future for the future of advertising
  • How social media is quietly suffocating us all into a pathetic attempt to advertise our wares
  • The cure to diminishing returns from social media
  • What old school advertising can teach us about how to peddle our widgets in todays economy
  • Exactly who should (and who shouldn't) be sending things in the post to book meetings with the top 10% of prospects
  • A quick start guide so you can 'steal and deploy' our most basic direct mail campaign, today
Click here to be taken straight to the first video: You can watch it here
Connor Benham
New free course
Well Fed Renegades
You'll learn two things. Book meetings with ideal prospects without social media. And close them with a 75% success rate on five figure deals.
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