As your period approaches your hormones begin to drop to their lowest point.
You might find yourself with low energy and wanted to be less social. This is completely normal as your hormones are at their lowest point your body is focusing more on the shedding of the uterus lining than on being social to mate during ovulation.
This is the body primal biorhythm. Which is important to support so you can optimize your hormones and work with them instead of against them which contribute to unwanted symptoms like PMS.
When we honour our day 1 and 2 with rest and nourishment we set ourselves up for energy, creativity and focus during the beginning of our cycle.
Of course, life is happening! We live in system that is not currently optimized for cyclical living, let alone rest - unfortunately. And to support you through the thick or thin of life, here are some ways to support your body during your menstrual phase:
- Ask a colleague to switch shifts with you; or have a "period pact" where you cover each other when your bleeding
- See if you can work from home that day
- Move slowly, take your time and small breaks
- As your partner, family or friend to help with the kids
- Know when your bleed is coming and plan around it
- Get all your "to-do's" done before your bleed
MIND, this is a great time to shed what is not working for you and to let go of anything that isn't serving you. You can take this into your personal and business/career by taking advantage of your analytical mind during the phase.
MOVEMENT is always important for optimal wellbeing and during menstruation you might just simply want to rest and take a nap which is highly encourage. Listen to your body and she will thank you. Then when you feel a little spike in energy, just keep remembering to take it slow and not over do it.
FOOD your body is doing HARD WORK for you and it's important to remineralize the body, keep your liver at bay and support your blood sugar with nutrient dense foods.
LOVE take time for yourself during the first day or two and if you feel like engaging with yourself or partner in an intimate way, by all mean go for it! It is even proven to help relieve cramps and mood. Just be sure to stay lubricated as it is a dry phase.
I hope this post was helpful for you, and if you have any questions please reach out in the comments or dm me.
Happy bleeding!
xx Kirsten