1/31 - Are your hormones limiting your progress?
If you've gotten this far on this program.
- You feel like you're doing nearly everything right
- You're consistent with your workouts
- You're following your macros
- You have the discipline to keep going, but the body does not want to follow along.
There's a really high likelihood there are underlying issues that need to be addressed...your hormones.
You can watch all the motivational videos in the world to get inspired, look at old pictures, read books, but if you feel like you're dragging your ass to the gym every day, going through the motions, and not seeing an ounce of results it's really frustrating.
If you can understand your hormonal profile better, we can just cut through all the guesswork out there and get you on a new path.
I've been searching for a doctor to partner with who is proactive, wants to help me optimize health, will not push prescription medications, and also fits the profile of looking and living the part.
In this program, we will get your blood work done for you. Assess your results and put everything in place so you don't just see the results, but you FEEL amazing within them.
Message me or book a call if you're interested in deciding if this could be you.
1. Do you always feel motivated to go to the gym?
2. Does your body respond quickly physically with nutrition and exercise?
3. Would you like to put your results, energy, mood, and recovery on fast forward?
1 comment
Bryce Wood
1/31 - Are your hormones limiting your progress?
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