Do This 1st! Essentials for your Transformation
  1. Follow along on Skool! Workouts, nutrition, and mindset practices are all hosted here.
  2. Download MyFitnessPal (or similar)
  3. Set up your calls to go through your plan on:
  4. Take front/side/back selfies. You do NOT need to share these, but for your own growth they are essential, and will be extraordinarily beneficial for adapting your plan. I recommend doing these weekly. (examples in comments)
  5. Purchase a food scale, and any other essentials for helping you navigate your start.
  6. Follow our optimal grocery shopping list below.
  7. Order supplements as needed to fill your deficiencies.
  8. Record your work on your check-in tab on your plan.
  9. Remember that this is an investment in yourself. I am here to support, listen, and help you create the plan to make the superhuman version of you who you want to become.
  10. Stay consistent! When you start being ok with taking days off, you fall back into old patterns. A 4 out of 10 is better than a 0 out of 10. There is no doing too little. Show up every day like you would for your best friend who needed your help.
Optimal Grocery List
Easy Protein List
White Meat (Chicken, Turkey, other poultry)
Red Meat (Beef, Bison, Game Meats)
Fish (Cod, Salmon, Halibut, Tilapia, etc)
SeaFood (Shrimp, Crab, Lobster, etc)
Eggs (Whole and Egg Whites from any source)
Dairy (Yogurt, Kefir, Milk, etc)
Protein Powder (Whey, Casein, Pea, Soy)
Easy Carb List
Easy Nutrient Dense Carbohydrate List
Vegetables (Asparagus, Broccoli, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Salad Greens, etc)
Fruits (Apples, Berries, Melon, Banana, Citrus Fruits, etc)
Starchy Carbs/Whole Grains (Rice, Potatoes, Quinoa, Corn, Breads, Pasta)
Easy Fats List
Higher Fat Meats (Beef, Salmon, Poultry Thighs, Bacon - anything over 10% fat should be considered a part of your fats)
Dairy (Whole Milk, Full Fat Yogurts, Cheese)
Egg Yolks
Nuts/Seeds (Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, Sunflower Seeds)
Other (Butter, Coconut Oil, Olive Oil)
Potentially Beneficial Supplements
*Workout Performance & Recovery* (take 1/2 dose if you've never used)
Prestige Energy - 1-2 scoops Pre-Workout
Prestige Recovery - 1-2 scoops Intra/Post workout
*General Health & Immune Function* (adjust to your bodyweight - this is for a 200+ individual)
Zinc - 1-3 caps w/ Last Meal -
Magnesium - 1-3 caps w/Last Meal -
Vitamin D - 1-2 caps w/ Breakfast -
Fish Oil - 1-3 caps w/ Breakfast -
Prestige Greens - 1 scoop mid afternoon -
*Sleep & Stress Management*
Sleep Multiplier - 1-3 caps - 90 minutes before bed -
Ashwaghanda - 1 cap - 90 minutes before bed -
Protein Powder - 1-3 scoops day depending on food intake and current goal.
Bryce Wood
Do This 1st! Essentials for your Transformation
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Your Worthy Future is your home for creating long term health. Through training, nutrition, and mindset work, we develop programs to optimize you.
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