30 Apps in 30 Days - App 1 Done - Now Live.
๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ App 1 Launched and Published! 30 Apps in 30 Days | 1 product launched โœ… | https://isfakeguru.com is Live.
Things I did yesterday:
1. Auth
2. Auth based widgets
3. Google sign in implementation
4. Responsive sheet for small and large screens
5. Full Text Search with Algolia
6. Image upload with firebase storage + CORS error resolution using GCP cloud shell
7. Made some UI as in the demo
8. Ability to submit gurus
9. Ability to approve gurus for me as admin
10. Ability for signed in users to add reviews to gurus
11. Firebase cloud triggers for evaluation of review scores and their effects on overall profile
12. View all reviews.
13. Hosting on Firebase
14. Connected custom domain
15. Firebase security rules to prevent security issues
16. Project logo with Midjourney
17. Project Stack: Flutter web + Firebase + Algolia
Reason for building: Tired of people scamming other innocent people.
I request you all to please contribute to the directory with the info that you have on other fake gurus. I look forward to you guys checking out what I built.
Muhammad Zubair Alam
30 Apps in 30 Days - App 1 Done - Now Live.
Zee Palm Academy
We will learn
1. How to build software
2. How to use and build AI
3. How to run a devshop
4. How to build SaaS and make money
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