Fang yaun wisdom
“If I lack even this bit of ambition, what’s the point of being human? Failure is fine, just try again several times. Even if I cannot achieve my goals in the end, so what?”
This quote really encapsulates the problem in todays world. In this information age where you literally have the worlds knowledge at your fingertips is it considered ambitious to be successful. No it is not ambitious but a basic need. In our world if you're not successful in whatever it is you do you're deemed as a failure , so I ask you is wanting to not be a failure considered ambitious? NO it is not you should have this basic ambition because if you don't you're already 20 steps behind. So what must you do to be successful? basic answer GRIND. Fail again and again and again until you achieve what you want to do at least this way your take actions into your own hands instead of being a pathetic loser hoping a pie is just gonna fall out of the skies in your hand.
Raj Patel
Fang yaun wisdom
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