How to Use Your Mind & Change Your Life!
"What you resist persists, and what you embrace becomes into grace, and grace is a gift."
This quote touches on the power of acceptance. When you resist something—whether it’s a challenge, fear, or negative emotion—it continues to weigh on you, persisting in your life. Resistance creates tension, and that tension holds you back, trapping you in fear and anxiety. However, when you choose to embrace these struggles, fears, or uncertainties, they transform. Instead of fighting against them, you accept them as part of your journey, and in that acceptance, you find grace—a calmness and clarity that brings strength, wisdom, and personal growth.
To break free of the fear of success, you must shift your mindset. Fear is often rooted in doubt—doubt about whether you're deserving of success, whether you're capable, or whether you’ll fail. These doubts and fears persist when you resist them. The key to overcoming them is to embrace your potential and accept that you are meant to grow, help others, and use your unique talents.
When you stop resisting and start embracing your gifts, your path to success becomes clearer. Instead of holding onto fear, you begin to trust in yourself, and that trust opens the door to grace—a state where you are empowered to help others, lead with confidence, and live with purpose.
Your gifts are not just for you; they are meant to be shared. Embrace your potential, and in doing so, you'll find the freedom to rise above fear and contribute to the world around you.
Samuel Westfall
How to Use Your Mind & Change Your Life!
Zenith Sales Group
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