I took the challenge and texted people my idea
Hey there,
I’ve got some exciting news! I’ve started a new journey as a budget coach. Over the past 8 years, especially after graduating college 4 years ago, I’ve learned a lot about managing money. And guess what? I want to share these insights with you!
Ever wondered where your money goes each month? Or maybe you’ve accidentally spent money that was meant for a bill? Or perhaps you’re just curious if you’re on the right track with your finances? I can help answer these questions and more in just 2 hours.
Here’s my promise to you: If you feel the information I share is basic and you didn’t learn anything new, I’ll give you your money back and apologize for wasting your time. That’s how confident I am that you’ll find value in this.
If you’re interested, you can PayPal me $100 https://www.paypal.com/invoice/p/#K9E2H9G3LFDWT5YS and we can schedule a time this week. Think of it as an investment that will save you thousands in the long run.
Thank you for considering this. I look forward to possibly working with you.
P.S. I believe in giving back, so 25% of what you pay will be donated to a charity I support at my church. It’s a win-win!
Nicholas Campbell
I took the challenge and texted people my idea
The Millionaire Factory
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