Private group
24 members
$47 /month
Want to boost your credit score but confused by the disputing process or overwhelmed by credit report errors? It’s frustrating when your financial goals feel out reach because of the expense.
Join our DIY Credit Repair Facebook Group and gain:
- Clarity on questions about your DIY credit portal modules
- Bi-weekly Zoom calls on complex credit issues
- Live audits of your credit report issues
- Weekly credit repair challenges
- Free dispute letters and actionable credit tips
- Tips for securing auto loans under your business name
This isn't your average membership; it's more like hands on coaching at a fraction of the cost. Plus, you'll get one digital product each month to resell. Show up, do the work, and be intentional with your credit journey. You have nothing to lose and much to gain: lower interest rates, approval for your dream home, accurate credit reports, and savings on credit repair costs.
I've been where you are, and you don't have to stay there. See you in the Facebook group!
Boost your credit score! Join our DIY Credit Repair Facebook Group for clear guidance, bi-weekly Zoom calls, live audits, weekly challenges, and more!
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