NEW! 11:11 Holographic Neurological Recalibration ~ Remote Healing with Metatron's Cube
Boom Boom, I'm so thrilled to announce the NEW Metatron's Cube remote healing that I've been downloading and preparing for you is READY!!! Just as we must honor the condition of our precious human nervous system, it's time to prepare and upgrade our Cosmic Nervous System as we move to the Higher Realms and engage with the Subtle ethereal forces in the Holographic 7D Realm of Reality.
Fresh off the press, just for you...getting access to this First!! Check it out:
If you get in on this now, I will do an intuitive reading and send your individual report of the results of your Deep Neurological Scan: Utilizing the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube, a thorough scan of your neurological system will be conducted. This scan will meticulously identify areas affected by residual energetic imprints left by implants, with a specific focus on the neural plexus and any disrupted pathways that inhibit the flow of Divine energy.
This is a deep dive and highly intimate as it's 7 days of me working on your physical nervous system and cosmic nervous system on the 7th Dimension and building out your Holographic body -- It's what we've been needing to ensure that our physical body can keep up with and is able to 'hold' the High level capacity of Luminosity that is wanting to come into our sacred container so that we can fulfill on our great and Sovereign mission:
***Please let me know when you get it so I can put you on the list of those that will get the intuitive reading report of your Deep Neurological Scan!!
As human beings, we’re more than our physical form; we are a complex interplay of energy, consciousness, and spirit. Central to our physical existence is our nervous system, a sophisticated network responsible for transmitting signals throughout our body, enabling us to perceive, respond, and interact with the world. However, beyond this tangible system lies our holographic cosmic nervous system, a higher-dimensional counterpart that mirrors and influences our physical one.
The Connection Between Physical and Cosmic Nervous Systems
Our physical nervous system processes sensory information, regulates bodily functions, and supports cognitive activities. In parallel, our cosmic nervous system operates on an energetic level, connecting us to the higher dimensions and the universal consciousness. This cosmic network is responsible for channeling divine light and wisdom, influencing our intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth.
For us to fully integrate into the higher dimensional realms, it’s crucial that our physical and cosmic nervous systems are in sync and harmonized. When these systems are aligned, we can access heightened states of awareness, profound spiritual insights, and enhanced abilities to manifest living as our Stellar Soul Self and implement our Soul's mission.
Blessings, C
Christel Hughes
NEW! 11:11 Holographic Neurological Recalibration ~ Remote Healing with Metatron's Cube
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