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5th Dimensional Reiki

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138 contributions to 5th Dimensional Reiki
Let's share our Gratitude from the heart here in the comments below...When we think of something we're grateful for - let's share it and that will help trigger that sort of gratitude in another. Spreading Gratitude on the Golden Grid of Grace. Let's do this...! xo
New comment 3h ago
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@Michelle Frankie I wish you got a pic of that, sooooo adorable!
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Gratitude for Mother Earth is a sacred practice of honoring the incredible beauty and abundance she provides us every day. From the air we breathe to the soil that nurtures life, Earth sustains us with boundless generosity. As John Muir once said, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” In those quiet moments of reflection, we remember that the heartbeat of the Earth is our own, and in caring for her, we care for ourselves and future generations. Let’s pause to acknowledge her enduring gifts with deep appreciation. 🌿🌍
🔥 Unleash Your Inner Flame with Our Sizzling Summer Sale! 🔥
🌟 Join Us in Embracing Profound Galactic Upgrades this Season 🌟 Hello Beautiful, As the sizzling summer Sun gently fades in the Northern hemisphere, a deep & potent cosmic energy is rising—a wave of transformation that invites us to journey together into the heart of the universe’s vast potential. It’s a time of connection, expansion, and the kind of soul-deep growth that we can only achieve when we open ourselves fully to the energies of the cosmos. Our Special Sizzling Summer Activations are more than just energetic upgrades—they're a gateway to profound Multi-Dimensional and Galactic transformations that we can explore together. These activations, crafted with the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube and the power of ancient Sacred Symbols, are designed to help us tap into the highest realms of our existence. I’ve felt the profound shifts these energies bring, and I know that by joining in this experience, you’ll feel them too. Pick the ones that best suit your next step into your Soulful Elevation Journey: Let’s step into this journey side by side, embracing the opportunity to unlock the deepest layers of our cosmic potential. The universe is calling us to rise together, to expand our consciousness, and to bring our highest selves into being. I'd be honored if you’d join me in these transformative experiences of remote activations. Click HERE to explore these special activations, and let’s make this summer one of profound connection and growth. With heartfelt connection and cosmic light, Christel PLEASE NOTE: These activations offered by me are Remote and done on the 7D Holodeck in a Sacred Container using the energies of Metatron's cube. They will be done on a chosen day of the week with a time of day. But you don't need to be available at that time. I can do your remote activation no matter where you are or what you're doing since it is done virtually. If you have any questions, please reach out to Gemma at:
New comment 2d ago
🔥 Unleash Your Inner Flame with Our Sizzling Summer Sale! 🔥
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I see the next one on the list is the Celestial Plasma Activation, can you tell us some more about this and give us the info on importance so I can understand a bit more? @Christel Hughes
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@Christel Hughes Wow, this activation sounds absolutely incredible! The idea of the plasma fields interacting with my bio-e system to activate dormant pathways feels so aligned with what I’ve been looking for. I can almost feel the energy just reading about it. The thought of being immersed in that plasma energy and elevating my vibration, is beyond exciting! I’ve been sensing there are parts of my energy body that are ready to shift, but I haven’t been able to access them fully. The connection to the galactic realms and the way the plasma fields work directly with the bio-e system feels like exactly what I need to activate those deeper layers. The cosmic and cellular rejuvenation you mentioned speaks to me on such a soul level—especially with the way these energies are attuned to ascension frequencies. Love it and can't wait to feel it while it's happening. thanks
Special Offer: Unlock the Dimensional Secrets of the Cosmos with Archangel Raziel: Exclusive Intuitive Attunement Plus Early Bird Amulet Reading + Report
Intuition Evolution with Archangel Raziel 🌟✨ Elevate Your Intuition Across Dimensions! ✨🌟 Are you ready to transcend the ordinary and tap into the extraordinary? We are delighted to offer you a unique and powerful Celestial Intuition Attunement guided by the enigmatic and wise Archangel Raziel. Listen to the New Insights that came through from Archangel Raziel on our GraceFull Connections call if you want to know more... But the Early Bird Amulet reading and report only lasts 24hrs!!! 🌌 What This Attunement Offers You: - Dimensional Intuition Development: Journey through the dimensions with Archangel Raziel as your guide. He will reveal the secrets of each dimension, unlocking specific intuitive abilities and powers tailored to your unique gifts. From the foundational energies of the1st through 3rd Dimension to the transcendent wisdom of the 11th, you’ll be guided to develop and refine your intuition at every level. - Divine Attunement: Experience a sacred attunement that connects you directly with Raziel, the keeper of cosmic mysteries. This profound connection will enhance your intuitive channels, allowing you to access higher realms of knowledge and insight. - Sacred Symbol Infusion: Receive powerful symbols and runes from Raziel, each designed to activate and expand your intuitive capacities, helping you perceive and interpret the hidden truths that shape your reality. - Cosmic Eye Activation: Awaken your Cosmic Eye, a higher-dimensional third eye, that will enable you to see the intricate web of magic and divine wisdom, offering you unparalleled clarity and vision. - Guided Journey to the Hall of Celestial Scrolls: Step into the divine library of the universe and select a celestial scroll crafted specifically for your soul’s journey. Integrate its wisdom into your intuitive practice, bringing profound guidance and clarity to your spiritual path.
New comment 2d ago
Special Offer: Unlock the Dimensional Secrets of the Cosmos with Archangel Raziel: Exclusive Intuitive Attunement Plus Early Bird Amulet Reading + Report
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@Ana Donne
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@Mary Schoenheider for sure, that makes sense and has me exploring even more
Let's open a thread of CAT Memes, Cat Fun, Cat Truth, above all: CAT WISDOM!!! So much to learn from them ~ So much mirroring they are offering for us to decode & grow from... For all of us adorers & workshippers of their Magestic Kittiness!!! 💖🐾💖🐾💖🐾💖🐾💖🐾💖🐾💖
New comment 7h ago
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@Theresa Needham Hahaha 😂 I feel this so deeply, what the heck is happening?! That gif is me talking to myself asking the same question
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@Sophie Bidard so dang sweet! 💙
THIS WEEK ON GFC4: 6D Magnetic Intuition & All About Starseeds ~ with Christel Hughes & Matthew John!
Join here for free Live Events & Replays >> Mark your calendar for the Live events with Intuitive Readings: - Wed. Sept. 18th at 9am PT: Magnetic Intuition: Harnessing 6D Energies for Multi-Dimensional Channeling ~ with Multi-dimensional Visionary, Holographic High Priestess & Multi-Sensory Intuitive Christel Hughes - Fri. Sept. 20th at 9am PT: Starseeds! Find Out Where Your Soul is From in the Stars! ~ with Gifted Intuitive & Starseed Guide Matthew John If you can't attend the live calls, you can request your Intuitive Readings in advance & catch up with the Replays! >>
New comment 3h ago
THIS WEEK ON GFC4: 6D Magnetic Intuition & All About Starseeds ~ with Christel Hughes & Matthew John!
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@Mary Schoenheider It was such great wisdom coming through! And @Sophie Bidard at times I think you were speechless 😀
1-10 of 138
Sadie Quinn
22,747points to level up
I believe in Magic! Create Joy wherever I go by being in my heart. Yearn to discover Higher Realms and seek the Secrets of the Universe. Love cats!

Active 2d ago
Joined Feb 4, 2024
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